Hi Ya’ll. What to say. I am 65 and I guess I am what you would call a watcher (meaning I am always reading and researching to see what is going on to try and prepare). I just feel if I do not know what is going on I cannot protect my loved ones. I feel an urgent need to share information that I learn to others. I do not ask others to believe me or what info I put up but for them to RESEARCH and find the answers. There is so much censorship out there it is hard to get both sides of an issue. I try to find the truth and make up my own mind and NOT let the media and big tech influence me. There is so much going on in this Country that we are not being told about. Did you know they are going to build carbon pipelines through Americas farm belt!? I will stop now. I am busting with information that I want to share. I love my Country and I do not want to see it destroyed. I love my family and friends and do not want to see them suffer. Information is critical to saving our world. Ok I will shut up now. Thank you Kristin for letting me know of this forum.